May 16-18- Extravaganza weekend for the Springfield, OHIO 2025 flea market and antique show, will be the Friday/Saturday/Sunday weekend for the PGCA annual meeting. The Annual PGCA meeting for 2025 will be Sat May 17, 2025 at the Best Western at 1133 Evans Way Ct in Columbus, OH phone: 614 870-2378. Please contact the motel directly to make your reservation and mention the PGCA glasses club – do not use the reservation call center. Friday May 16 th will have lots of rooms with glasses and room hopping, as well as a get together around 6PM in the breakfast room of the motel – Saturday May 17 th will have a silent auction and pizza party around 6PM and the club meeting , with club business, officers election and glasses show & tell, will start at 7:30 PM. Expect lots of cool glasses and fun with club members. PGCA club glasses will be available for sale. Several club members are expected to setup at the Springfield Extravaganza Flea market in Springfield, OH that May 16-18 weekend. There are 3 large antique malls in the area, 2 in Springfield and 1 on east side of Columbus, along with many other shops in the area. The Clark County Fairgrounds where the flea market is located, is off I-70 – the PGCA meet motel is also right off I-70 on the west side of Columbus, just outside of the I-270 loop highway, at exits 91 of I-70 : Hilliard Rome Road / Hwy 3. |