The Annual PGCA meeting for 2021 will be Saturday May 15 , 2021 at the Best Western located at 1133 Evans Way Ct in Columbus OH in Conjunction with the Springfield Extravaganza with glass vendors in the Youth Building that weekend and plenty of room hopping at the motel. NOW is the time to reserve a room – the number is 614-870-2378. Besides all the people set up in the rooms it is looking like another do not miss show for glass collectors at the Springfield Extravaganza. The room rates are $85 a night plus taxes, the PGCA reserved a block of 20 rooms to start. The block for PGCA is reserved from Wed – Sun that’s May 12th thru May 16th 2021. There will be room hopping Friday May 14th and the club meeting on Saturday at 7PM May 15th.